Aggressive internet marketing campaign. Of course, properly promoting your coaching programs online will have a positive effect on your sign up rate. Be very aggressive when doing this. Learn the ropes of SEO to secure decent ranking on Google. Make use of different but effective methods to ensure that you'll attract enormous traffic.
Offer sample sessions. Your potential clients will only have one question in mind and that would be "what's in it for me?" Instead of just telling them the benefits that you can offer, why Asia Email List not give them sample sessions so they can decide for themselves? Offer the first couple of sessions for free but only to those qualified prospects. At the end of the free session, give these people compelling reasons to sign up ASAP.
Be bold and offer money back guarantee. Just like with any other buyer, your potential clients would also want to make sure that they'll get exactly what they paid for. So, give them an assurance by offering money back guarantee if they're not 100% satisfied with your programs.