In the course of their lively intellectual C Level Contact List dialogue with their Russian spiritual brothers, they provided them with copious apocalyptic illustrations of European decline. The dynamics of this debate were already recognized and commented on in the 1850s. Where did we get the idea or, better said, this melodramatic talk that the C Level Contact List West is a decrepit old man who has already taken everything could of life, whose life is ending, etc. It was the Russian literary critic Nikolai who asked this question , and he answered it himself immediately: "From those boring and silly Western books and articles, that's where we get it."4. This C Level Contact List venerable old-fashioned intellectual exchange between Europe's 'West' and 'East' continues, amazingly, to this day.
Today's "conservatives" in C Level Contact List Russia tend to get excited about the "tyranny of minorities" in Europe, the "dictatorship of the Western creed" or, more recently, the new "kingdom" of values in the European Union. However, their omissions are often only pale imitations of the works of Western paleoconservatives or C Level Contact List nouvelle (new right) intellectuals such as Paul Gottfried, Alain de Benoist or Guillaume Faye. Angry men in the Kremlin There is a marked discrepancy between the strong sentiments emanating from C Level Contact List the writings of nineteenth-century Russian intellectuals and those of their contemporary epigones. Most of the former loved Europe and suffered from its supposed decline.
In contrast, the latter seem to C Level Contact List be motivated primarily by resentment and hostility towards the 'West', feelings arising from an indigestible combination of arrogance and inferiority complexes. Alexei , intellectual leader C Level Contact List of the Slavophiles, and Fyodor Dostoevsky later, were deeply shocked by what they saw across Russia's western borders. Both realized, with a sigh, that after the revolutionary upheavals of C Level Contact List the late eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, Europe was out of joint, and that their country was called to heal its wounds with the power of the Russian spirit.